Script to screen: The Brief and Generating Ideas

For the project of script to screen, the brief is to write an original 10 page screenplay which takes the form of either a comedy, drama, or thriller and focuses on the meeting of two main characters with one main location.
Therefore, to begin generating ideas to fit this brief, I began by making a mind map with the starting point of 'The Meeting' in order to get a clear view of the amount of different starting points I could potentially work from.

I then broke some of these ideas down and thought about the key ingredients that they needed in order to create stories (characters, goal, conflict, and change). 

Also, I looked at some articles from the media so that I could gain inspiration from real people and in The Guardian found a column about a man who has decided to live without any technology, Mark Boyle

This made me think of my previous idea of a woman living next door to a field that contractors want to build on. To generate a more realistic idea, I looked for inspiration whilst walking in my home town of Tenterden so it was based on my own experience , which helped me to decide on the location of a park bench, and a character who works in a bank and is obsessed with technology who meets another woman living without it. I found this encouraged me to come up with an idea based on what I know therefore making it more original. 

For this reason I have decided to use this idea as the one for my screenplay. 

Idea Pitch
