'On Time' Short Film

On Time is a short film about a man who gains a glimpse into the future when he meets a stranger at the airport.
It stars Kai Albrecht as Arthur and  Peter Farkas as Frank, a traveling salesman. This film was written by David Bradley Halls and directed by Ted Chung.


I found this short film interesting as it asked its main character, Arthur, what would he do if he knew? The way his past was shown through a photograph and ring made it much more intriguing instead of if he had just told it as it offered a glimpse to his former girlfriend which helped with the ending of the text. The ending was my favorite part of this short film as it ended on a cliffhanger but still gave the narrative that the film had told meaning. I also liked the way the suitcase told the future as it is a common object you would expect to see in an airport but you would not expect to be able to tell the future making the real surreal and therefore more believable than if there had been a time machine in the airport.

Influence on my work:

My screenplay deals with the concept of leaving behind an old life in a way similar to this short film. In On Time, Arthur is running away from his past at the airport after his girlfriend has said no to his proposal.

This is similar to my character, Diana, who lives with nature to avoid her old life as a lawyer dependent on technology. Before I watched this short film, I had not thought about what would have happened between Diana and her father after she left her job. This made me think about what would happen if Diana's old life came back to haunt her because of Ida.

Since Diana's father owns a law firm, and Ida is also a lawyer like Diana was, I figured I could connect these by having it be revealed at the end that Ida works for Diana's father. This also meant that Diana's father ended up in the present day narrative and not just in the past so Diana would have to see him again after many years. 

Therefore, I changed my ending so not only does Ida give up her job and technology and Diana get a phone, but Diana's father also turns up at the park where he knows Ida eats lunch, to try to persuade her to take her job back, meaning Diana runs into him.

As Diana's father is somewhat a representation of her old life, I considered I could make it so that, by walking away from him, Diana and Ida are turning their backs on their old lives, like Arthur does in in this film, which gave me a way to show this rather than telling it as I had been in previous drafts of my screenplay. 

Watch 'On Time' on Vimeo
