To find a location for the shoot of my short film trailer, Con-nect, I looked around my home town of Tenterden as I knew I needed a park as set out in my screenplay and there are many in my town.
Location 1: Recreation Ground Park Bench 1
The first location I went to was the recreation ground as there are many benches there that are out of the way of the main footpath, so filming would not disrupt public access. However, when looking at this bench on location, I noticed that the trees behind it in places are quite sparse so people walking on the footpath behind are slightly visible which could be a problem for access if they don't want to be filmed.
Location 2: Recreation Ground Bench 2
I mainly considered using this bench because the trees behind it better cover up the footpath behind, and also there is a bin next to it, which I would need to shoot near because of the action from my screenplay. The only problem with using this location would be that the recreation ground can be popular with dog walkers so I would have to be wary of dogs around the equipment/cast/crew and in the shots whilst filming.
Also, the recreation ground in Tenterden is surrounded by another footpath further away from these benches which is a main route for parents walking their children home from school, meaning it gets quite busy at nine in the morning and three in the afternoon. Therefore, if I were to shoot here I would have to shoot between ten and three to avoid crowds and minimize the risk of filming any member of the public who doesn't want to be.
Location 3: The Fairings Bench 1
I then decided to look at the benches in the smaller park over the road from the recreation ground which is less busy as it does not serve as a main route into any part of the town. Because this location also showed the road, I preferred it as it makes it look more as if it is in a town rather than cut off and in a field. However, I did think that this exact bench was too open and could easily mean I would accidentally end up filming people on the main route which is directly behind it.
Location 4: The Fairings Bench 2
This location is my favourite as it is secluded but still looks like it is in a town, is not too busy, and also has a bin next to the bench which I need for the action in my screenplay. The area behind the bench is covered by trees so the main route into the town is not visible and it is also not too near any roads.
Because one of my characters is an artist, I was planning to have the reason she sits on the bench be because she wants to draw the surrounding landscape. I found that the other locations did not have nice surroundings that my character could draw, but this one did:
Therefore, I have decided to use this bench at The Fairings, Tenterden as the location for my shoot.
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