Script to Screen: Con-nect Post Production

Following the structure I wanted my trailer to have (see Pre-Production), and using those trailers as examples, I put together my first rough cut:

In order to add effects, such as the likes counter on Ida's instagram post, and the text message bubble, I used tutorials for Adobe After Effects to create compositions, so that they would run smoothly and appear in the video when I wanted them to. This helped me to learn how to create pre-composites so that all the layers of effects are combined, and can be added to my footage in Premiere Pro using Adobe Dynamic Link, as well as how to create key frames to time when the different animated components will appear on screen.

I then created a second rough cut from this, making the cuts sharper:

From this I was able to add music, which I found changed the mood of the trailer so I tried three different tracks, each one being a different speed, and featuring different instruments. 

I also added in extra character shots to create montages which showed more about the character's traits and what they go through in the story, such as was used in the trailers for The Post and The Intern
To make the scene with the reporter look more like an authentic news story, I also added some templates from Adobe Premiere Pro, which were designed to look like a headline banner and a live sign:

So that the trailer did not begin so abruptly which was jarring to the audience, I also created my own production company logo, which I named L-Jen productions, taken from my first and middle names. I tried out several different designs, colours, and fonts including:

I decided to use this logo because the wreath is made out of laurels, which is where my first name derives from, but I was also able to incorporate other elements I liked from my previous designs. To make it fit with the colour scheme of my trailer I changed the colours from black and white to grey and white:

I also made a poster to go at the end of my trailer after the credits fade out as sometimes happens in trailers. 

Whilst creating these, I looked at other film posters and production design logos for inspiration:


After picking the music I wanted to use as I felt that was the track that best reflected the atmosphere I wanted the trailer to have, I refined it to make it fit better together with the footage. 
Then, I was able to put all of these elements together to create the final cut of the trailer for my screenplay idea, "Con-nect".

Final Cut of Trailer

