Documentary: Post-Production

Sync pull cut:

Because this was the first cut we made, and included only sync, I think it included too much sync which we could cut out as too much background is covered by the contributors. I also think that it feels like two different films because of how roller derby and skateboarding are separated and not intertwined, but I do like the structure of the skateboarding segment, since although the transitions are still somewhat harsh, it does flow a bit. However, we spent more time on roller derby than on skateboarding, so by cutting we could even out the time spent on each.

Rough cut:

In this cut, we had got rid of more of the sync, which made it better because the ideas covered were more concise and therefore clearer to the audience. We had also added some sequences, such as the one with Kayleigh falling over, which I think worked well because it shows exactly what she says, helping it to stick in the audience's heads, so I think it would be good if the other sequences turn out this way. However, since skateboarding and roller derby were still a bit separated, it still felt like two films rather than one. This could definitely be solved by intertwining them more, and also cutting down the time spent on roller derby, because it is still more than the time spent on skateboarding. I also think the transitions between thoughts could be clearer so that the narrative flows more, which could be solved by restructuring.

Final cut:

I think what went well in this final cut was that the two sports were completely intertwined, and the sequences served to evidence what the contributors said, as well as help the narrative to flow and progress. The structure still doesn't work as well as it could, but I think this could be solved if we had more time, and could make another paper edit. However, I like the style of the documentary, since the characters do lead the audience into their world, but some their points are not as clear as they could be. Commentary might have solved this, but I do think the captions help slightly.
